Get the latest information you need for all the many details and schedules you need to know for marching band and guard. We have four primary ways for you to have all the information you need at your fingertips:
- This website! Explore Pay special attention to the blog "This Just In" which also shows up on the lower right side of every page.
- Sign up for Spirit Notes, our weekly newsletter. Spirit Notes provides the most detailed information for everything coming up on the horizon. Scroll down to subscribe.
- Sign up to receive Tweets from our Twitter feed. You do not need a Twitter account to receive tweets via text. Signing up to receive band tweets is easy and is very important to receive the last minute information that always happens from schedule changes and the unknown. Learn how to subscribe below.
- Our Facebook group lead by our drum major. From your Facebook account, search for "20XX-20XX Parkway South Marching Band" where 20XX-20XX is the current school year. (IE - 2017-2018...).
Sign up for Twitter Feed to get last minute information:
- Follow us via text message. Send a text to 40404 with the words "Follow @psouthband". All tweet messages will be sent directly to your phone via text messages!
- If you are a Twitter user, follow "@psouthband".